Sola Bouquet: Elegant Blues
Sola Bouquet: Elegant Blues
A stunning bouquet arrangement of Sola peonies, roses, and wildflowers in shades of blue and cream. Finished with a satin-tied handle, this beauty can be used for grad/prom pictures or weddings, and then kept in a vase for lasting memories!
Choose the bouquet by itself, or add the vase shown for an instant centrepiece.
*Each photo features an arrangement that we have previously made to give you a sense of our style and vibe. But each arrangement is made when ordered! So you will get our latest and best flowers according to the season and Erin’s artistic temperament that day WINK, but they may vary in specifics. Rest assured, each piece will match the pictures in value. You will get a unique, quality, gorgeous arrangement of which you can be proud.